Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean on a Galaxy S3!


If you’re a proud Galaxy S3 owner, but long for Android 4.2.2, you’re in luck. SamMobile has leaked an early firmware build of Jelly Bean for the S3!

While they caution it is still in testing at Samsung, this gives hardcore fans a sneak peak at what they’ve been waiting for. As you can see in the video below, it looks really snappy. It’s got the toys everyone looks for in Jelly Bean, like lock screen widgets. The revamped design is also here, making your S3 look and feel just like an S4.

It certainly looks nice, and porting over as much as it has is a great move by Samsung. This shows they support their devices well, and aren’t afraid putting Jelly Bean on an S3 will poach S4 sales.

Still no word on whether or not some of the features from the S4 will make it to the S3 in this new Android version, but the wait for official word won’t be long now. If you’re really anxious, follow the source link to a download file. Again, remember that it’s not official yet, so proceed at your own risk.


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